Ini merupakan mata kuliah semester Genap 2021 - 2022
FE201A Statistika
Mata Kuliah ini berisi tentang Statistik Deskriptif dan Statistik Probabilitas
Rekayasa Piranti Lunak mempelajari bagaiman tehnik rekayasa pada perangkat lunak (Software).
UR102I Character Building : Bahasa Inggris I Genap 2024
Discuss some language proficiency in Reading Comprehension, Structure and Written Expression, and Listening Comprehension which is taken mostly from TOEFL preparation materials. Comprehend the reading comprehension by some activities before reading (pre-reading), and after reading with summary of the reading text. In Structure and Written Expression section, it introduces important grammar. In addition, it introduces Listening Comprehension. In this section, students are taught to be familiar with spoken English. There are two parts; short conversations/short talks and longer conversations. Thus, this course will guide students how to understand and present them (the materials) in various presentations.